segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

Meeting Programme

1. “Hello! Good morning” song

2. “My eTeam friend” – ice-breaking activity/ pair work (children must find their eTeam friend through the S. Valentine’s cards)

3. “My eTeam Group” ( to each pair, will correspond a number; teachers will take the numbers out of a bag to form the groups)

Important note: At the beginning of the meeting, the teachers will deliver a book to each student. Over the activities, students will have to record some information, for example, their identification, the identification of their eTeam friend and group…

4. PicTeamNary game

5. Lunch time

6. “It’s Halloween” (sing and dance)

7. Assessment

PicTeamNary Meeting

Coincidence of coincidences, this year the meeting will be held on the same day and month of last year. LOL :)- 28th May 2009
Previously, we had scheduled two meetings for this year: the first would be on 28th May in EB1 /PE Porto Santo and the second on 2nd June in the new installations of EB 1/PE Campo de Baixo.
Unfortunately, this will not be possible due to the coincidence of scheduling other activities - EB Music.
So, next Thursday - 28th May - both classes will get together in EB1/PE Porto Santo for PicTeamNary meeting 2009. The objectives, the function and the assumptions of this meeting are the same as last year (see post Pic.teamnary meeting 2008).

You are all invited! But we must tell you that the classroom is small and ... the lunch is only for our students. LOL :)

Our game :)

During this month, the students envolved in the PicTeamNary's project added new cards, spelling, to play the game.
Take a pic...

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2009

3rd Term! Here we go... Pic... Pic... Pic...

This is the last term… it’s time to get together… Well, just closely!!!
It’s time to have fun… playing and remembering the purpose of our project: rich the previous built game, teaching/learning through out amusement activities.
This time, we’ll render the game difficult or just turn it more complex... We’ll privilege the ability to represent a “word” through draws but also through “spelling”, giving pronunciation an important focus. The students will have now to recognize a PICTURE and spell it.
We intent to visit our “school friends” in June… So, in May, we'll practise PicTeamNary.


Last month, Friday 20th, some of our students had the opportunity to participate on the event PMate. They also had the chance to meet their “school friends” in an “informal way”. They had a lot of fun…

sábado, 7 de março de 2009

Lost movie...

This week we found a great video that was lost… In November teacher Maria visited EB1 PE Porto Santo :) She showed us some works made by our school friends from EB1 c/PE Campo de Baixo – Halloween creatures. But the best part of her visit was the choreography that she taught us about "It’s Halloween". Our teacher Andreia was the camera woman :)
Take a look!