terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hi friends :)
In this festivity we’ve decided to invite Santa Claus (OH! OH! OH!) to join our classes. He was the invisible man, but always there, always watching ;) ***
We were the elves. We made the presents (star candles and angels) and our Christmas mothers (the teachers) were the post women.
We’ve sent cards, we’ve worked a lot and now we wish you ALL: Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Spooky letter and Halloween Creatures from EB1 c/ PE CAMPO DE BAIXO

domingo, 23 de novembro de 2008

Halloween Show

This is the gift we offered to our “school friend”. We shared this moment and we had a lot of fun!!!
Let's dance... :)

terça-feira, 28 de outubro de 2008

It's Halloween!!!

"It’s close to midnight and something evils lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You’re paralyzed"

It’s Halloween, Halloween
The sky is black, the moon is white
Do you know tonight is the night?
It’s Halloween, Halloween
When witches fly above the sky
It’s trick or, trick or treat…

"It’s close to midnight and something evils lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You’re paralyzed"

It’s Halloween, Halloween
The wind is cold, the stars are bright
Do you know tonight is the night?
It’s Halloween, Halloween
When ghosts fly above the sky
It’s trick or, trick or, or treat…

This is the rock with the spooky beat!

There’s no escape from the spooky beat!

Andreia Castanheira and Maria Santos
Adaptation from "Thriller" by Michael Jackson

domingo, 19 de outubro de 2008

WE'RE BACK! " There was nothing in the world that I ever wanted more than never fell the breaking apart of all my PICTURES of you", The Cure.

In this 1st term, we’ll start connecting our students through Halloween’s commemoration. In this consequence, both classes will have their first contact with their school friends writing a spooky letter, in which they’ll include a group picture.
Based on the song “Thriller”, by Michael Jackson, we teachers create a new lyric according to this festivity, in order to be presented by our children. A video will be made by each class and this is going to be the first experiences exchange.

terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2008

What`s in the chest?

Family box

Who is who?

PIC.Teamnary meeting - 28th May 2008

- Share experiences and knowledge, establishing a common ground: attitudes and approaches
- Demonstrate the value of practical tasks as social, motivational and language acquisition in the learning situation

- Practising action games that are based on a short sequence of instructions and descriptions (TRP activities, draws, miming songs – PICteamnary)

Children are already familiar with the themes expressed in our plans, such as Classroom Language and objects, Numbers, Colours, Family, Human Body, Days of the week, Months, Seasons, Weather, Animals, Shapes and Festivities (Halloween, Christmas, Carnival, St. Valentine’s Day, Easter)

Programme – GAMES

1. Who is who?
Ice-breaking activity – Who’s my secret friend? - Cards (pair work).
Children must find out his/her secret friend according to the description patterned on their cards.

2. Family box - (group work)
Children must find their names in a box, in order to group their families. These families will show the member they are. The grandmother/grandfather is the speaking voice of their team.

3. Twister
Children must respond instructions using their own body, relating it to colours and shapes.

4. Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Children must sing and mime the song.

5. Break – Lunch time

6. What’s in the chest? - Classroom objects
The speaking voice must say the names of the objects to his/her fellows. They must go, step by step, to the chest and pick up the objects.

7. Bowling – Numbers
Children must throw a ball on order to fall down the bottles, counting the numbers expressed in them and doing sums.

8. Weather – puzzles
Each group must join the pieces to create a puzzle. Then the speaking voice must answer the question: What’s the weather like?

9. PICteamnary
This game purpose is to guess words related to the previous learned themes. The players must draw a word and each team has a minute to guess it.

10. Awards
At the end of the meeting teachers will deliver an award to each student.


Este ano lectivo desenvolvemos, com ambas as turmas do 4.º ano de escolaridade, o Projecto PIC.Teamnary – Projecto eTeam/EDU-LE. O nome do projecto nasce de um trocadilho de palavras: Picture + Team + Pictionary = PIC.Teamnary. Os pontos de partida para o projecto foram: a importância de uma sensibilização da Língua Estrangeira no 1.º Ciclo; o poder da conjugação do visual com o auditivo na aprendizagem de uma nova Língua (PICTURE); o lúdico no 1.º Ciclo. O projecto visou a construção de um jogo, por ambas as turmas, englobando todo o vocabulário abordado durante este ano lectivo. No dia de S. Valentim os alunos de ambas as turmas elaboraram um cartão do “Secret Friend” a fim de servir como actividade de ice-breaking no dia do encontro entre ambas. Os alunos apresentaram ilustrações de várias mascotes. O desenho escolhido pela maioria dos alunos é da autoria do aluno Bruno Dias. Posteriormente, procedeu-se à construção do logótipo.

domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2008



We've choosed this name because, as teachers, we believe that a mental image exists in an individual's mind: something one remembers or imagines. In fact, nothing is more powerful than the memories created by a child's experiences. The child's memories fashion the adult's life...
Sharing our memories provides others a precious window to who we are - our individuality.
We want our children to dream, to fly, to be happy and to believe that this world could be a better place, we want them also to make-believe!!!****

* FOR THEM.... to remember US*
" Remembering you running soft through the night, you were BIGGER, and BRIGHTER and whiter than snow. Screamed at the make-believe, screamed at the sky...and YOU FINALLY FOUND ALL YOUR COURAGE TO LET IT ALL GO." (The Cure)